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Casual Space

Sep 26, 2019

Jeffrey discusses with Beth:

  • How Jeffrey became a entrepreneurial pioneer, becoming one of the first (commercial) space contractors (working on the Russian space program on MIR and Soyuz, and later with the international Space Station).
  • About starting the first commercial space company, NanoRacks and what’s on the...

Sep 19, 2019

Beth, Kelly and Zach have way too much fun geeking out about:

  • Whether or not we would put an Elon Musk- invented NeuroLink implant in our brains…
  • How Kelly and Zach had to really focus on only 10 technologies for their book, “Soonish”
  • Kelly’s extreme fear of being bored and her many career achievements from...

Sep 12, 2019

There’s lots to learn in this episode including:

  • What makes neutrinos (the building blocks of the universe) so important and so elusive!
  • What you can see in a particle vacuum- they pop in and out of existence- and Jessica is searching for new particles!
  • How Jessica was inspired by watching sci-fi shows with her aunt,...

Sep 5, 2019

Triple threat Tyler Nordgren and Beth talk about: 

  • Seeing the Great American Solar Eclipse in 2017 and what to expect when in comes back
  • Why our National Parks are a treasure for our observation and appreciation
  • Traveling the world in search of cosmic phenomenon


About Tyler:

Dr. Tyler Nordgren is a professional...