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Casual Space

Jun 12, 2020

Gary Gattis spent his entire career making video games, AI/Space was a late life industry transition. Why? When Gary decided it was time to move into the next adventure in his professional career, he asked everyone (yes, everyone) two important questions that led him to Hypergiant, where Gary and the team believes that AI is essential to secure our place in the universe via space exploration.

“We started looking at ground control, and saw there was a lot of room for disruption.”- Gary Gattis on Casual Space Podcast 

When it was time to move into the next chapter of Gary’s professional journey, he went to friends and colleagues and asked everyone two questions:  “1. What’s the coolest stuff going on in the world, and 2. If you weren’t doing what you were doing, what WOULD you be doing? That was a fascinating time in my life! I was doing 10+ coffee/ lunches a week! It was full time!” 

“I call it my journey of discernment. Really, three things came out of it. The first was a deeper connection to myself. I was talking to people I’ve known 20-30 years ago- old friends. Second, I got to see myself through other people’s eyes.  Third, it really helped me hone my personal brand. It took a lot of external conversations for me to validate [what my personal brand was] through other people. It was a great experience for me, and I highly recommend this experience.” -Gary 


Oh by the way, He’s been to Space Force HQ. 


About Gary Gattis: Gary is an Interdisciplinary leader guiding people and process to improve our world. Specialties include growth, operations, and management. Founded several companies at the intersection of technology and design, led extremely diverse teams to success.

Currently CEO for Hypergiant Galactic Systems, focussed on integrating Artificial Intelligence with the commercialization of Space.

More about Gary and his work and career at:

Interesting stuff about Hypergiant from Texas Monthly: Hypergiant aims to help its clients gather and analyze vast amounts of data. You’re working on improving the sensory perception of machines. You’re aiming to launch a network of small satellites gathering data from above. And you’re looking to empower “smart cities,” stitching together data from cameras that are increasingly everywhere

Hypergiant does sell—artificial intelligence-enabled software and hardware—and you’ll appreciate Lamm’s problem. Even many people lacking in technological savvy have heard of AI as a force with the potential to shape much of humanity’s future—for better or worse. Some of those people look to get into business with Hypergiant without any real idea of what it is they’re buying. They just know they want some. “It’s like the most addictive drug that no one’s ever had,” says Lamm, who serves as the company’s CEO.