Sep 13, 2023
Who was Robert H. Goddard?
His theories on space exploration were so ahead of his time that they were mocked and ridiculed by colleagues and by the New York Times… but Robert Goddard persisted, and with very little resources, he overcame adversity and launched the world’s first liquid-fueled rocket, ushering in the space age.
In 1903, the Wright brothers took their historic “First Flight” and got humanity off the ground. Just 23 years later, Dr. Robert Goddard’s “First Launch” was the first step in taking humankind off the planet. 43 years later, in 1969, humans walked on the Moon!
Although admired by the scientific and aerospace communities, most people have no clue who Goddard is or the extent of his groundbreaking accomplishments and vision.
Charles Slatkin wants to change that.
Charles Slatkin is the founder of the Robert Goddard Project and the Wonder Mission. Part of this project includes the “First Launch'' centennial celebration – a unique opportunity to leverage the incredible legacy of Dr. Goddard, the Father of Modern Rocketry- and recognize the achievements of today’s scientists, engineers, educators, researchers and “visioneers.”
Charles is a multimedia and internationally recognized “wow factor” pioneer, space evangelist, and visioner. Charles has an extensive background in “wowing” people through his expertise in science, film, video, audio and photography-and today, he’s taken his talents from his professional career and applied them into the Goddard Project, reimagining Goddard’s legacy with advanced storytelling technologies to help inspire and motivate a new generation of dreamers and “visioneers.”
Get involved, support or volunteer, or get in touch with Charles at:
More about the Wonder Mission