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Casual Space

Nov 19, 2020

Dr. Graham is the Director of Communications and Marketing for Blue Marble Space, a Research Scientist with Blue Marble Space Institute of Science, the Director of Logistics for the University Rover Challenge, the Host of the NASA Astrobiology and SAGANet show “Ask the Astrobiologist” AND the Research Community Coordinator for the Hypothesis Browser and the Life Detection Forum’s Knowledge Base. *Whew!*

*Ask an Astrobiologist airs live on SAGANet and on the NASA Astrobiology Facebook page. People watching the show live can ask questions of our interviewees on either streaming platform or on Twitter using #AskAstrobio.


Check out Graham’s talks, presentations and videos all below- lots of fun here to learn, chat about, and share! 


Where to find Graham and pretty much everything he’s doing: